Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Hobby Lobby: The Decision, The Myths, The Implications

Ever since the decision issued on June 30, 2014 for Burwell v. Hobby Lobby, there has been an uproar of backlash and support. The decision comes almost exactly 50 years after Griswold v. Connecticut  ensuring privacy rights upon striking down Connecticut statute that prohibits any person from using "any drug, medicinal article or instrument for the purpose of preventing conception." As emotions run high, debates ensue and the aftermath of the decision rears its ugly head, many struggle to understand what exactly took place, and the implications thereof. 

1. Corporations Are People With Religious Freedom
After Citizens United v. Federal Elections Commission (2010), corporations were granted personhood, therefore recognized as an individual under the eyes of the law. After the decision for Hobby Lobby, they are now recognized as a person with religious freedom. The claims of Hobby Lobby was the denial of coverage of four types of contraception based upon violation of religious belief. The four types of contraception that are being denied are: Plan B, Ella, and two forms of IUDs. 

2. Plan B Does Not Induce An Abortion
Let's revisit health class for a moment. Plan B is an emergency contraception that is offered to be effective for up to 72 hours after unprotected sex. How does it work? It prevents the implantation of a fertilized egg into the uterus and also interferes with the fertilization process by preventing the sperm from penetrating the egg. If an egg does not implant into the uterus, you are not pregnant. Also, Plan B will not work if you are already pregnant. 

3. Birth Control Usage is Not Only For Sexual Activity
Contraception of all types are used not only to prevent pregnancy but to treat other ailments as well. What else does birth control do? Lowers the risk of cancer, acne treatment, menstrual cycle regulation, prevention of anemia, ovarian cyst treatment and prevention, PCOS (Polycystic Ovary Syndrome), Pelvic Inflammatory Disease, Interstitial Cystitis, Endometriosis, and that is only the tip of the iceberg.[1]

4. The Use of Birth Control Lowers the Abortion Rate
According to Planned Parenthood, after 2008 the use of IUDs has raised 75% and 515,000 unplanned pregnancies were prevented because of birth control services. Abortion services only constituted 3% of the services rendered.[2]

5. The Decision is Taken Out of the Hands of the Woman, and Into the Corporation
Access to all types of birth control is extremely important because it exhibits control over one's body. An employer is now able to dictate what type of medical coverage they will support and this goes beyond birth control. Hobby Lobby is not a small town, local family store. It is a nationwide corporation that employs over 21,000 people, that may or may not share the same faith. Despite what the employee may believe, they must now seek other methods to obtain emergency contraception or an IUD. Not only does this take personal choice and control away, but it touches on other issues such as rape and class.

6. Reinforcing Class Structure and Rape Culture
There is an average of  237,868 sexual assaults and rapes that occur per year [3] and according to a study done in 2002, on average 6.4 percent result in pregnancy. [4] Plan B and Ella are emergency contraception methods that can be administered after the occurrence of an assault that can effectively prevent a pregnancy from occurring.  Without insurance coverage, Plan B and Ella can cost upwards of $60. For an employee making only minimum wage, working on average 30 hours a week at Hobby Lobby, that can be a hefty unexpected cost. The burden falls on the shoulders of the victim to come up with the cost and if she is unable, possibly resulting in a pregnancy. It then becomes her responsibility to either terminate the pregnancy, which costs substantially more, or keep the child. Although adoption is an option, a woman who chooses to raise the child is then bearing a heavy cost burden. Economically, the chances of a single woman making minimum wage, supporting a child, and becoming dependent of government assistance is very high. 

The implications of the Hobby Lobby decision do not strictly revolve around birth control. Just as Citizens United laid the foundation for this recent decision, this will only be the beginning for an extension and intrusion into personal choices. 

Saturday, June 14, 2014

Why Everyone Should Use the F Word

I want to live in a world where my children, at a young age use the F word. 
It is not secret that I am a feminist. When you believe in something, when you really believe in something, you aren't afraid to shout it from the roof tops. What may come as a surprise is that I haven't always been the
big F. In fact, it wasn't even a part of my vocabulary for many years. I had been exposed to the principles, I'd practiced the ideology but I would never identify as a feminist. My problem was lack of education and lack of direction. Direction I later found in my senior year of college.
I had decided to sign up for a feminist theory course with the idea that I would be ahead of the game because of my opinionated mind and androgynous personality. For years I submersed myself in a male dominated world of firefighting and experienced sexism in every other aspect. My ultimate goal was to infiltrate every orifice of male profession that I could and come out on top. I had no idea that this course would change not only my way of thinking, but my way of life.
Feminism is not a unilateral term that applies only to the rights and advocacy of women, but for all. Hell, my fiance is a self proclaimed feminist. Feminism is not a one dimensional term either that can be applied to one single belief. Fortunately, in my course I was exposed to Rosemarie Tong's Feminist Theory: A More Comprehensive Introduction, and I began to learn that there was feminism for everyone. Every race, every religion or non-religion, every political ideology, every human who believed in equal rights. One of my favorite aspects about ideology is that there is no one right way, only a collection of beliefs that can be combined and analyzed to create a more functional society.
Recently I have read frequently about Shailene Woodly and her outright rejection of feminism (How dare she!) and everyone jumped on the hate train. I couldn't bring myself to hate her, her misconception or what she stood for. I didn't blame her for rejecting the term and I didn't quite understand the backlash. This girl was not EDUCATED on feminism. Her idea of feminism was the very same idea I had approximately four short years ago (Hello, Feminazi anyone?). A bra burning, man hating, OBVIOUSLY lesbian who just wanted to raise hell and gain attention. There is a reason that so many believe that this is a reality. The unfair portrayal of a woman who God forbid advocates for rights and choice, is an absolute threat to the patriarchy and the fight back consists of discrediting the woman, the movement and the label. There is such a stigma attached to feminism because the original Women's Liberation Movement threatened core american principles, awarded women the ability to control their reproductive system, gained them suffrage and gave them a voice after being silenced for so long. The Google definition of Feminism reads as: the advocacy of women's rights on the grounds of political, social, and economic equality to men. The key term in that definition is equality. Although we are much closer than our predecessors, we are not there yet. The fear exhibited of using the "F" word shows that we still have a long way to go. Shaming a woman for not being a feminist will not advance us any more than being a man hating, bra burner would be. Education is the weapon that will bring us the furthest. We must continue to educate the general public on what exactly feminism is, why it is not only beneficial to women but society as a whole, and how we can join together and all be able to freely use the F word.

Monday, April 21, 2014

10 Reasons I look Forward to Graduating College

1) I have time to read books. The ones I didn't have to pay $100 to be the best damn paperweight ever. I actually saved a few books from courses that I realllllly enjoyed. I can now go back and comb through my Feminist Theory text and approach it with a different appreciation and understanding. I always think reading a book is better the second time around anyways.

2) I gained point of view and can now apply it to real life situations. Remember in High School when we said "when are we ever going to use that?" Now I can apply what I have spent all my time and dimes learning. 

3) I have the opportunity to learn outside of the classroom. I am planning to take some sort of road trip this summer. Where to? I don't quite know yet but I do know that I want to experience history beyond the textbook. I want to be in the presence of something greater than myself, and have the instagram photos to prove it.

4) Personal hygiene goes back on to the list of priorities. Oh please, like you didn't skip a shower or two because of the ever-growing assignments. Febreeze showers can become a thing of the past. 

5) Netflix is no longer a guilty pleasure. I can now go watch Mad Men from start to finish without thinking "Oh shit, my assignment is due at 11:59" because why the hell is an assignment ever due at 11:59 anyways?

6) Joining a club turns into joining an activist group or not-for-profit organization. Community involvement doesn't end at the perimeters of the campus. Getting involved in other organizations is now a plausible option because I am not working and taking 18 credit hours at the same time. 

7) I am still cultivating myself. Who made the rule that you only have the 4 years of undergrad to experiment and try new things? I veto this and will continue to expand my horizons, and you should too. 

8) I am no longer student but "entry level". It's time to get my foot in the door and start building my resume with things other than bill paying jobs.

9) I don't have to take gym class. Yes, you read that correct. I am not limited to the liberal education requirements that take away from my ability to take (more enjoyable) classes. 

10) Life is just beginning. Although I admit, I did have some anxiety about my impending graduation; I am more so looking forward to the adventure. Because you don't have to have it all figured out, you just have to know you want to end up somewhere. And you know, be willing to work to get there. In the end, it's all about being happy with yourself.

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Hello My Name is...Not Interstitial Cystitis

Lately I have been making a great deal of changes in my life. Positive changes I would like to think. In a short amount of time I will be graduating from college, will have a degree and have to be a big person. Nothing about that sounded like a good time to me. A year ago I thought I had it all figured out, that I would be moved out, going to Albany Law in August and all of the plans were going to come together. A year ago I was also extremely sick. I saw nothing that was coming my way. But let me rewind so that this can make a little more sense.

July 2012 I was plagued with terrible side pain that landed me in the ER. I was misdiagnosed 3 times prior to October 2012 when I underwent a cystoscopy and was discovered to have some big word called Interstitial Cystitis. Now you may that think a diagnosis would bring relief, but it brought the opposite. You see, there is no known cure or one treatment for IC. Instead, it is a series of trial and error treatments and medications. I was on a string of pills and therapies for such a long time. I always felt tired, strung out and was ALWAYS in pain. Finally in June of 2013 I visited a different Urologist who finally began to understand what I was dealing with in my everyday life. It is hard to explain to people the way I constantly felt. I wasn't sleeping well at night so I was always tired and cranky. And the pain would strike at any moment and last for upwards of two weeks. But all many saw was me, complaining, irritated and difficult to be around. I hated the way I was living. I hated the medications I was on, I hated the weight I was gaining and I hated the control this disease had over me. You may find yourself asking what exactly is IC? It is the deterioration of the lining in the bladder to be exact. So when I have a bladder with fluid in it, when it stretches out, my nerves are exposed directly to that fluid and it causes inflammation and spasms. I also have BPS on top of that. Bladder. Pain. Syndrome. And it is exactly like it sounds. Pain. All the time. Last spring, I was determined to overcome this "disability". I ran a 5k in May, but then very shortly after, I tore my Achilles tendon. I was in a cast and crutches for a few weeks and it took me about a year to recover. I became very tired of these limitations because anyone who knows me knows I like to push the limits. 

October 2013 the love of my life went overseas. I was dealing with a whole different slew of medical issues at that time and it made my situation even more challenging. At the time, my mother told me that Devin and I would be changing as individuals over the course of the next year. I didn't believe her though. Not for a second. Because I was basically the same person I had been the year prior. But it is now March, and my mom was right. I am a different individual. How? I am in full remission from IC, medication free and 3 jean sizes smaller. I transitioned to an organic diet a month ago and am in the current transition to a plant based, animal product free diet. I am a firm believer that my remission is because of my diet and will to be free of this auto-immune disease. I receive criticism for choosing to gravitate towards a vegan lifestyle, but I understand that many do not understand my situation. No I will not give up meat completely. I am anemic and need iron in my diet, and I also need protein because I lose a great deal of it. My kidney's do not process it correctly and I need to compensate. However, I only allow myself meat once a week now. I am not doing this for moral reasons, or to stand out. I am doing this because for the first time in years, I feel whole again. Interstitial Cystitis is a term I never came across until October 2012. It is understudied, and there are no awareness days or months for it. But it is real. It is real and it is hard to live with. My goal is to raise awareness and to tell people that you do not have to suffer. My fiance stuck by me through my suffering. Held heating pads on my kidneys, applied my lidocain patches on my stomach, accompanied me to my radiation induced testing, held my hair while I vomited, and was the reason I am where I am. Healthy.

Yes we are changing as individuals, but we are changing together. I have his full support in my new journey and I couldn't be more grateful. Here's to a healthy diet, life style, and continued happiness. Because I won't let my name be IC. 

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Letter to 17 Year Old Me

Dear 17 Year Old Kim,

Right now you are coming to the end of your senior year in high school. You believe that everything you have planned will work out, and that everything will be exactly the way you envision it. I have some news for you, you couldn't be more wrong.
Sitting in front of you is a stack of acceptance letters you are receiving from the colleges you applied to. The most exciting time in your life is coming. You received an acceptance to Niagara University, and a hefty scholarship to go with it. I am telling you right now, this is your best chance at being debt free. Do not be afraid to leave home. Do not stay around for a boyfriend that will put a plastic cubic zirconia ring on your finger and break your heart. GO SEE THE WORLD. Your life is about way more than settling down to be someone's wife and pop out some kids. You aren't ready to be anyone's wife. You need to be Kim first.

Bringing me to my next topic. When you are 19, you are going to meet a man that will change your life. This is the man you are going to marry. He is going to give you all of the feelings you have tried to find with the ones before him, but he is the one who awakens your soul. The one that everyone will tell you that you don't have. He is kind, sweet, gentle, giving and most importantly he treats you with respect. You have never loved a man before him, I promise. He will make mistakes, he will hurt you sometimes, he will make you cry, but he will never break you down. He will build you up, rather. Learn to forgive, because it will make everything much better. Before you meet him, you will think you have found "the one", about seven times. But I promise you this, beer goggles can make tin foil look like shining armor. Don't fall for it.

Some pretty bad shit is going to happen to you kid. But guess what, such is life. It will thicken your skin and prepare you for all of the things to come. Take every experience as a lesson. You have a lot of potential to be something great so don't let mistakes and "life lessons" weigh you down. Don't sweat the small stuff because in the end, it's only a speck in the many events that will make you. Never make excuses, always work hard because you don't DESERVE anything. Do not follow the crowd and develop a sense of entitlement. I can say from your future perspective, you do not. You have a tendency to work too hard on things that aren't part of the big picture. Make sure you pick where to focus and what it will get you in the long run.

Things won't always work out the way you expect, but breathe and remember, they are working out the way they are supposed to instead. Give in to your spontaneity and impulses. You are only this age once. Because someday, life happens and you won't have as much time to do the things you love as you expected. You want to eat a roll of cookie dough? DO IT UP GURL. But one more thing, your metabolism is your best friend right now. You are in great shape, so appreciate it. In a few years metabolism takes a vacation and you need to put a little more work into fitting those denim jeans. That brings me to this point. The media is going to wear you down. Your self esteem isn't going to build itself. The pictures you see, they are not a real representation of a woman. So stop trying to be a size 4. You love cheese fries (and soon beer), so indulge! Everything is okay in moderation, just try to develop some healthy eating habits too. It's not about how you look. Looks will not last you your whole life. They will transform and eventually you will look like Grandma. (Try to remember people's names though). What will ALWAYS last you is your education. No one can take knowledge away from you. Read as much as you can get your hands on. A kind and giving heart will also last you. The man you will meet will bring that quality out in you. He will show you how selfish and stubborn you are. He will unintentionally change that about you. He will change you for the better.

Your life is going to be an adventure. Do not be afraid of the unknown. Take the first step and let the path reveal itself. See you on the way.

-21 year old Kim

Sunday, January 5, 2014

An Engaged 21 Year Old's Response to: “23 things to do instead of getting engaged before you’re 23″

Before I really dive into this, I need to explain something. I am not an average 21 year old. In fact, I am freshly 21 and a 'lightly salted' military "spouse" for all intents and purposes. I got engaged in July of 2013. My fiance awkwardly sat on his knee for five minutes during fireworks and out popped a ring. July 4, 2013 was a huge day in my 20 year old life. Exactly three months later I watched my fiance walk to a bus to be shipped off on a deployment. It was from that moment on, I knew I'd be spending the next twelve months being something I hadn't, and finding a strength that was hanging somewhere over Lake Michigan. Anyways.

Being someone's fiance is a large part of my daily life. Lately, it has really been the only thing I have focused on, why? Because he needs me. But I am something, someone else. I joined the fire department in May of 2011 after a friend of mine was killed in a car accident. I began college in August of 2010 and can happily say I will walk the stage and accept my $70,000 blanket, I mean bachelors in May of this year. I have interned in more places than I have had actual paying jobs. Right now, my large responsibilities are making sure the bills get paid, my apartment is clean, my car functions and that I get out of bed at a decent hour. That last one is a struggle because honestly, a good night of sleep is hard to come by.

But on-wards we go.

On one of those nights where sleep was hard to come by, I came across an article titled "23 things to do instead of getting engaged before you’re 23". I walked in with an open mind and out with a flaring temper. I was extremely offended by what I had just read. Not because I am one of the "cop out" marriages, but because she makes ALL of them seem to be. A few days later, I also read a response to the original and although I think some of the points are good. I do not entirely agree with that one either. It comes across equally as judgmental and I won't even get into the slut shaming. So I was inspired to write one addressing BOTH. But to fully understand please read each one:

Prior to meeting my fiance, my life was filled with highs and lows. I dealt with death, broken hearts, self esteem problems, relationship abuse, and just plain worldly problems. And I continue to deal with them. The world didn't stop turning the day he put the ring on my finger. I continued to go to school, and even had the wonderful fortune to deal with a cracked tooth and infection well before he left to long after he was gone. But that's for another day. My point is, engaged, married, single. DON'T. STOP. LIVING. Being with someone that grows as you grow is incredible. I am marrying someone who finds my individuality to be just as important as our 'one' as a couple. My problem with both posts is that they are knocking both sides and making it all seem so black and white.

Marriage is a huge step that should not be taken lightly and no it is not for everyone. I see more and more on Facebook people getting engaged and married at a younger age. So what? Why is that my business or my problem? Here is what I should be focused on. Why am I getting married? We didn't take marriage lightly either. Our date was set out almost exactly two years from when we got engaged. We entered couples counseling before he left and bust our asses to build a strong relationship. And still somehow during all of this I find time to get my GPA up, manage a college trial team, keep a semi-clean house, send out 6 dozen cookies and decorated care packages, get to Dave and Busters for happy hour with my girlfriends, dance around my living room like I am in a Luke Bryan music video and just live. I look at this list of 23 things, and wonder, why exactly does one have to be single to do all of these, and why exactly would someone want to do all of these? So here we go.
1. Get a passport.- Actually, I got my passport last February when my Fiance and I booked a trip to Jamaica
2. Find your “thing.”- At first I thought this was really dirty, and then I got the concept. I have a thing. I have lots of things, and these things keep changing. I recently discovered my love for "New Girl" and baking. Last year my thing was going to the gym, until I got injured. We are constantly changing, and as long as your thing makes you happy, that is all that matters.
3. Make out with a stranger.- The summer of 2011 was a dark one for me. Jager and Tequila make a girl do some crazy things. This was all before the lovely age of 20.
4. Adopt a pet.- I can barely keep myself alive let alone another breathing life. I think I will hold off on this one for a while
5. Start a band.- I had a "girl group" when I was 10. Needless to say we never made it to the grammys.
6. Make a cake. Make a second cake. Have your cake and eat it too.- I made six dozen cookies last month. And I have a tendency to eat them in the middle of the night. I can wait on the cake til my SO is back home to eat it.
7. Get a tattoo. It’s more permanent than a marriage.- I like that my mother talks to me. Enough said.
8. Explore a new religion.- I have recently began cultivating my beliefs in a more mature way than 15 year old me. And It is something that my SO has been very encouraging about
9. Start a small business.- Cookies anyone?
10.Cut your hair.- I did. Last year. Now I pray to the biotin gods.
11. Date two people at once and see how long it takes to blow up in your face.-No.
12. Build something with your hands.- The thing about having a deployed soldier is learning how to use power tools.

13. Accomplish a Pinterest project.- Again. Care packages.
14. Join the Peace Corps.- I joined the Fire Department.
15. Disappoint your parents.- Been doin' that since '92
16. Watch GIRLS, over and over again.-  I finished New Girl season 1 in two days.
17. Eat a jar of Nutella in one sitting.- I eat entire packs of Oreos.
18. Make strangers feel uncomfortable in public places.- If you knew my friends. I'm looking at you Raymond.
19. Sign up for CrossFit.- I am. Brides get it for free when two people sign up ;)
20. Hangout naked in front of a window.- Sometimes I forget to close my blinds
21. Write your feelings down in a blog.- And here we are
22. Be selfish.- Being in a relationship has taught me how incredibly selfish I am and do not want to be
23. Come with me to the Philippines for Chinese New Year.- I'd rather go to Kuwait. But for now I will settle for Cape Cod in the Fall.
Everyone should create a bucket list. And everyone should LIVE. But do not judge others for choosing to live in a way that makes them feel fulfilled and happy. Happiness and success is defined differently by each person. What is my success? Getting a law degree, raising children who want to change the world, and sitting next to the same man in 60 years that I will be marrying June 13, 2015, watching him build legos. So will I be 22 and engaged/married? Yes. But I am so much more than that. This world is so much more than that. And my hope is that you all find what makes YOU happy, and you find someone who helps you be that, together.