Monday, April 21, 2014

10 Reasons I look Forward to Graduating College

1) I have time to read books. The ones I didn't have to pay $100 to be the best damn paperweight ever. I actually saved a few books from courses that I realllllly enjoyed. I can now go back and comb through my Feminist Theory text and approach it with a different appreciation and understanding. I always think reading a book is better the second time around anyways.

2) I gained point of view and can now apply it to real life situations. Remember in High School when we said "when are we ever going to use that?" Now I can apply what I have spent all my time and dimes learning. 

3) I have the opportunity to learn outside of the classroom. I am planning to take some sort of road trip this summer. Where to? I don't quite know yet but I do know that I want to experience history beyond the textbook. I want to be in the presence of something greater than myself, and have the instagram photos to prove it.

4) Personal hygiene goes back on to the list of priorities. Oh please, like you didn't skip a shower or two because of the ever-growing assignments. Febreeze showers can become a thing of the past. 

5) Netflix is no longer a guilty pleasure. I can now go watch Mad Men from start to finish without thinking "Oh shit, my assignment is due at 11:59" because why the hell is an assignment ever due at 11:59 anyways?

6) Joining a club turns into joining an activist group or not-for-profit organization. Community involvement doesn't end at the perimeters of the campus. Getting involved in other organizations is now a plausible option because I am not working and taking 18 credit hours at the same time. 

7) I am still cultivating myself. Who made the rule that you only have the 4 years of undergrad to experiment and try new things? I veto this and will continue to expand my horizons, and you should too. 

8) I am no longer student but "entry level". It's time to get my foot in the door and start building my resume with things other than bill paying jobs.

9) I don't have to take gym class. Yes, you read that correct. I am not limited to the liberal education requirements that take away from my ability to take (more enjoyable) classes. 

10) Life is just beginning. Although I admit, I did have some anxiety about my impending graduation; I am more so looking forward to the adventure. Because you don't have to have it all figured out, you just have to know you want to end up somewhere. And you know, be willing to work to get there. In the end, it's all about being happy with yourself.