Sunday, April 12, 2015

Hillary 2016: Build It Up or Tear It Down

It is not a secret that the Clinton family have seen their share of scandal. With the fresh announcement of Hillary gunning for the 2016 nomination, old skeletons will begin to re-surface. It is important that as a candidate, former Secretary of State, Senator and First Lady; that she be examined closely in a political sphere. A win for Hillary could be a large step for women, their advancement and future opportunities. Or it could be disastrous and used to tear down every step that has been built for women in the professional field. 

Hillary has been the top contender for the Democratic nomination, however her stances are not as widely known. It takes a great deal of digging to find her voting record and past statements on important social issues. As previously reported with Rand Paul, I have looked over the list of major social issues that the Presidency faces to see just where Hillary stands. Unfortunately, recent statements are not as widely available as they are prior to 2007. A link below provides the information I came across when searching.

OnTheIssues-Hillary Clinton

Woman In The White House?

Just as the election of President Barack Obama was a milestone for minorities across the country, an elected female president could be the type of milestone our country needs next for progression. At what cost though? Hillary's spotty record could prove to be a barrier hard to overcome and difficult to gain the trust needed for a solid following. Her run could be seen as the lesser of two evils. Democrats have faced difficult waters through Obama's Presidency, especially in approval ratings. Now back at a 50% approval rating[1], the Obama administration saw the loss of 70 House seats total since taking office, 63 of which have been turned over the the GOP.[2] With Hillary being the top contender for the White House, if the Democrats were to get the win again, she may also be appointing 4 new Supreme Court Justices. Two were appointed during the Reagan Administration and two during the first Clinton Administration.[3]

Hillary as President brings about this question: What if it goes badly?
With the recent scandal involving her private email used during her time as Secretary of State, also her involvement with Benghazi and the affairs during her husband's presidency; trust may be hard to come by. If during her time as our next President, such scandals were to erupt again it would most definitely be a set back for women as a whole, being she is the example. She is the rule, not the exception. 

Stepping Out Of The Shadow:
In order to escape the skeleton's of the first Clinton Administration, Hillary must really have something to bring to the table. As a self proclaimed "Feminist and Traditionalist", her ideas towards women's rights as well as civil rights have been unclear and undefined. As of late, she has announced that she had re-evaluated and changed her mind of the idea of gay marriage. As wonderful as that may be, it is also startling to see her history of "changed mind". Prior to exiting the White House, the Clinton's began a large foundation that has been accused of accepting funds from countries that are known to be some of the most oppressive towards their women, and countries that she had criticized prior, such as Qatar and Saudi Arabia.[4] This is also a conflict of interest because these funds had been accepted during her time as Secretary of State. This insight is quite troubling. Would Hillary take the easy road, or the "right" road when push comes to shove?

Less Means More:
One of the few issues Hillary has remained clear on is her stance on teen abstinence and abortion rights. When asked her view on the beginning of life, she took a clear stance on the separation of church and state: 
"But for me, it is also not only about a potential life; it is about the other lives involved. And, therefore, I have concluded, after great concern and searching my own mind and heart over many years, that our task should be in this pluralistic, diverse life of ours in this nation that individuals must be entrusted to make this profound decision, because the alternative would be such an intrusion of government authority that it would be very difficult to sustain in our kind of open society. And as some of you’ve heard me discuss before, I think abortion should remain legal, but it needs to be safe and rare."[5]
Although her ideas do not line up 100% with the Democratic party, particularly on conception at fertilization, her choice not to meddle in those waters are admirable.

America Needs A Champion:
One of the slogans that came forth in her announcement today was "America Needs A Champion". She seemed to specifically target the middle class, showing that she wants to be a President for the common people. She seems to have strayed away from the women and minority involvement on her campaign however. Hillary has stated in the past that she is adamant on women and human rights. This is not as transparent in recent years. In 1995, Clinton was quoted at the UN Conference saying:
“We must respect the choices that each women makes for herself and her family. If there is one message that echoes forth from this conference, let it be that human rights are women’s rights, and women’s rights are human rights.”
Although her platforms have not been revealed, one can only hope that she will build us up, and give us a road to travel for future endeavors.  

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